Picture of a man stocktaking.

Business Code of Conduct

Do the right thing.

It is MML's fundamental policy, to conduct its business with honesty and integrity and in accordance with the highest legal and ethical standards.

Code Of Conduct and Business Practices

It is a fundamental policy of the Company, to conduct its business with honesty and integrity and in accordance with the highest legal and ethical standards. This Code for the most part determines the minimum standards against which managers can measure their own behaviour and that of their staff members. All practices are not absolutely defined, but the inferences made should be adequate for any manager to interpret in terms of the behaviour expected.

In general terms, employees are required to act at all times in the best interests of the Company. This includes the promotion, enhancement, development and protection of the business interests, reputation and goodwill of the Company and which do not offend the common decency and morality of the community.

Each manager in the Company has the responsibility for ensuring that the policy is made known to all employees for whom he/she is responsible, that compliance with the policy is maintained and that they refer any matter to the appropriate higher level where they are unsure of the decision required. This Code is distributed across the Group and will be updated as and when the need arises.