Picture of female chef cooking.

Food Quality

From farm to plate, making food safe.

MML adheres to the highest standards of hygiene, to ensure that all food produced is wholesome in quality and quantity at all times.

Food Safety And Quality Assurance

This policy has been reviewed and established to ensure that MML is dedicated, to meeting all legal and licensing requirements of the government of Tanzania in relation to food safety and quality assurance and as such, we ensure the implementation of strict food safety and quality assurance controls throughout every stage of the supply chain from supplier or producer right up to the table.

MML places a high priority in meeting the standards and requirements as set by the Tanzanian government and client in food safety controls.

MML adheres to the highest standards of hygiene, to ensure that all food produced is wholesome in quality and quantity at all times and our goal is to train, support and educate each employee to respect, value and practice compliance, with all hygiene specific training, instructions and systems that are put in place.

MML will comply to all requirements of the client in ensuring a common food safety practice favourable to both parties and essential to customer requirements.