Picture of a chef stirring food.

Health and Safety

Safety is no accident.

MML highly values the health and safety of its employees, clients and all third parties involved in its operations. We place a high priority over the health of all people over its business objectives to warrant a safe return home at the end of the day.

Health, Safety and Environment Policy

This policy has been reviewed and established to ensure the Health, Safety and the Environment of all its employees and applies to all its employees whilst on site, at the head office, off site on company business or while driving a company vehicle.

MML highly values the health and safety of its employees, clients and all third parties involved in its operations within Tanzania.

MML places a high priority over the health of all people over its business objectives to warrant a safe return home at the end of the day.

MML makes all efforts to safeguard the environment from pollution directly related to the provision of our services, thus protecting the environment and its natural habitats from any emissions, wastage or harmful disposals that would bear a negative impact on the environment.

MMLs goal is to train, educate and support each employee to respect, value and practice all of the safety aspects that they are trained in, and we encourage each individual to take responsibility for their own safety and health obligations. Furthermore, we encourage everyone to take responsibility for those under their leadership and this evolves into a chain where all individuals become responsible for each other and their surroundings.

MML management supports all HSE processes by providing the necessary resources required to achieve the targets set by offering medical care on all operations, avoiding all accidents, work place injuries and work-related sickness.