Picture of a rainbow over a golf course.

Janitorial Services

Swept away.

Office areas, factory floors, warehouses, hospitals, schools, etc. The service comprises of sweeping, dusting, mopping and emptying of waste receptacles in all areas concerned.

Cleaning and Waste Management Service

Janitorial services are offered by MML for all areas not directly covered by the catering aspect of our contract, for example: office areas, factory floors, warehouses, hospitals, schools, etc. The service comprises of sweeping, dusting, mopping and emptying of waste receptacles in all areas concerned.

The associated ablution facilities are also encompassed within this service and the chemicals and other associated products that we use to perform this service, all conform to international standards and regulations pertaining to the cleaning of such areas.

Where MML is responsible for the disposal of any waste produced or occurring as a consequence of its operations pursuant to the contract, all such disposals shall be in accordance with applicable legislation, the Client’s standards and best practices, whether that shall be for hazardous waste or non-hazardous waste. MML ensures that all necessary approvals or licences are obtained.