Picture of female chef cooking.

Social and Economic Contributions

Make a difference, not just a living.

Staff employed from the local area appreciate the fact that the company they work for is seen to support, and give back, to their communities, that the small entrepreneurs receive the support and guidance that they need to grow.

Local community

MML has always been committed to sustainable community development and this is because our corporate vision regarding our presence in Tanzania is long term. Our experience as a catering contractor has proved, that the closer you work with the local community, the more positive the corporate image is and as a result, communication is enabled, and a genuine relationship grows. The staff employed from the local area appreciate the fact that the company they work for is seen to support, and give back, to their communities, that the small entrepreneurs receive the support and guidance that they need to grow, and that the assistance given is genuine and aimed at solving real problems in the long term.

Whenever we start a new contract we always pursue a policy of maximising local participation in our workforce, in order to reduce the negative impacts of growth on the local community and the additional demands that is placed on the supply of services to that community.